====== Quickstart guide ====== First you need to setup MazView to work with your machine.\\ ===== Settings ===== * On the [[wiki:ko:mazview:StartTab|Start tab]], Press [[wiki:ko:mazview:settings|Settings]] in the Machines section ==== The Communication Tab ==== * Set the correct COM-port, [[wiki:ko:mazview:BaudrateParameters|Baud-rate]] and Control so it matches your machine. Baud-rate 4800 is a typical default speed. ==== The Paths Tab ==== * Set the path to your existing Mazak files (if any). Press Save and Close ===== Communication ===== ==== To send a mazatrol program from the Machine to the Computer do the following: ==== * Select the folder where you want to store the program * Press [[wiki:ko:mazview:ReceiveButton|Receive button]] on the [[wiki:ko:mazview:starttab|Start tab]] * At the machine: Start the transmission and wait until it's done. * At the computer: Press Close * Enter optional comment and filename (the filename should be suggested) ==== To send a mazatrol program from the Computer to the Machine do the following: ==== * Select the folder where the program you want to send is located. * Select the program in the filelist * Press the [[wiki:ko:mazview:SendButton|Send button]] on the [[wiki:ko:mazview:starttab|Start tab]] * At the machine: Enter the program-number and start the receive. Wait until the transmission is done * At the computer: Press Close ===== Preview of program ===== * Select the folder where the program you want to view is located. * Select the program in the filelist * Press the [[wiki:ko:mazview:PreviewButton|Preview button]] on the Start tab * A preview window will appear with the program in it. {{:wiki:ko:mazview:previewwindow.png?nolink|}}